prep schools

美 [prep skuːlz]英 [prep skuːlz]
  • n.预备学校,预科学校(美国为准备升入大学者开设的私立学校);预备学校(英国为11或13岁以下的儿童开办的私立学校)
  • prep school的复数
prep schoolsprep schools

prep schools


  • 1
    N-VAR 预备学校(英国为11或13岁以下的儿童开办的私立学校)
    In Britain, a prep school is a private school where children are educated until the age of 11 or 13.

  • 2
    N-VAR 预备学校,预科学校(美国为准备升入大学者而设的私立学校)
    In the United States, a prep school is a private school for students who intend to go to college after they leave. exclusive prep school in Washington.


  1. Gary : A lot of top people in America went to prep schools .


  2. They attend one of the Houston area 's most prestigious college prep schools , John Cooper .


  3. First , Zimny 's company would provide tutoring and supervision while the boys attended American prep schools .


  4. There are lots of different ways to be the best * and prep schools give ample space to be good at something .


  5. " Prep schools teach students something , or better , provides them with resources , that others do not learn or have ," he says .


  6. Prep schools , girls ' schools and schools located in some areas of the north of England are already being hit by falling pupil numbers .


  7. WASP culture , though it exists in pockets of private life country clubs , neighborhoods , a few prep schools and law firms is finished as a phenomenon of public significance .


  8. Top prep schools from around the world are opening campuses in the country , often charging higher fees than their flagships and catering to students who want to go to university in the West .


  9. After decades of being dominated by male students coming from a narrow network of prep schools , these schools have become a patchwork of diversity - gender , race , religion and now geography .


  10. After decades of being dominated by male students coming from a narrow network of prep schools , these schools have become a patchwork of diversity & gender , race , religion and now geography .


  11. An increasing number of prep schools have moved into lower age groups in recent years – prompted by the childcare needs of wealthy double-income parents and a move in starting ages at many senior schools from 13 to 11 , say heads .


  12. By the 1970s , exclusive universities and prep schools began dropping their age-old quotas on Catholics and Jews , lessening the number of legacies automatically admitted , and using racial preferences to encourage the enrollment of blacks .
